Welcome to this Matthew 9 Quiz! This challenging set of 20 tricky and thought-provoking questions is designed to test your knowledge of one of the most dynamic chapters in the Gospel of Matthew.
As you work through the quiz, you’ll dive deep into the miracles, teachings, and encounters Jesus had during His ministry.
Test Your Knowledge with These Challenging Questions
Pay close attention to the small details, as the questions are tough and may test your understanding in unexpected ways.
Think you’re ready? Let’s see how well you know Matthew Chapter 9!
Matthew 9 Quiz Questions and Answers
Question No. 1
In Matthew 9:2, what did Jesus first say to the man sick of the palsy?
- A. “Rise, take up thy bed.”
- B. “Thy sins be forgiven thee.”
- C. “Be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole.”
- D. “Arise, and walk.”
- E. “Thy faith hath saved thee.”
Question No. 2
In Matthew 9:3, who specifically accused Jesus of blasphemy when He forgave the man’s sins?
- A. The scribes
- B. The Pharisees
- C. The Sadducees
- D. The chief priests
- E. The multitude
Question No. 3
In Matthew 9:4, how did Jesus respond to the thoughts of those accusing Him of blasphemy?
- A. He rebuked them openly.
- B. He said, “Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?”
- C. He explained why He had authority to forgive sins.
- D. He performed a miracle to prove His authority.
- E. He warned them about the hardness of their hearts.
Question No. 4
What did Jesus say to the man sick of the palsy after addressing the scribes in Matthew 9:6?
- A. “Take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.”
- B. “Thy faith hath healed thee; rise up and walk.”
- C. “Thy sins are forgiven; go in peace.”
- D. “I say unto thee, be healed.”
- E. “Be whole, and sin no more.”
Question No. 5
After Jesus healed the man sick of the palsy in Matthew 9:8, how did the multitude react?
- A. They praised God and believed in Jesus as the Messiah.
- B. They feared and glorified God, who had given such power unto men.
- C. They marveled and followed Jesus wherever He went.
- D. They questioned Jesus’ authority to forgive sins.
- E. None of the above
Question No. 6
Who did Jesus call to follow Him in Matthew 9:9, and what was this person’s occupation?
- A. Matthew, the tax collector
- B. Simon, the fisherman
- C. Levi, the tax collector
- D. Peter, the fisherman
- E. John, the disciple
Question No. 7
In Matthew 9:10, where did Jesus sit down to eat, and who was with Him?
- A. In the temple with the priests
- B. In a house with publicans and sinners
- C. In a synagogue with the elders
- D. On a hillside with His disciples
- E. In the market with the common people
Question No. 8
In Matthew 9:11, how did the Pharisees react to Jesus eating with publicans and sinners?
- A. They marveled at His compassion.
- B. They accused Him of breaking the law.
- C. They questioned His authority as a teacher.
- D. They plotted to accuse Him of wrongdoing.
- E. None of the above
Question No. 9
How did Jesus respond to the Pharisees’ question in Matthew 9:12?
- A. “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”
- B. “I came to seek and to save the lost.”
- C. “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.”
- D. “It is not the healthy who need me, but the sinners.”
- E. None of the above.
Question No. 10
In Matthew 9:13, what did Jesus instruct the Pharisees to learn, quoting the Old Testament?
- A. “I will have mercy, and not sacrifice.”
- B. “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”
- C. “The just shall live by faith.”
- D. “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”
- E. “Be holy, for I am holy.”
Question No. 11
In Matthew 9:14, the disciples of John asked Jesus why His disciples did not do what?
- A. Fast often
- B. Pray regularly
- C. Observe the Sabbath
- D. Wash before eating
- E. Offer sacrifices
Question No. 12
How did Jesus respond to the question about fasting in Matthew 9:15?
- A. “The children of the bridechamber cannot mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them.”
- B. “Fasting shall come when the bridegroom is taken away.”
- C. “There will be time for fasting when I am no longer with them.”
- D. “They do not fast because they are with me.”
- E. None of the above
Question No. 13
What analogy did Jesus use in Matthew 9:17 to explain why His disciples did not fast?
- A. New cloth on an old garment
- B. New wine into old bottles
- C. Old wine into new bottles
- D. Fasting while the bridegroom is present
- E. New wine into new vessels
Question No. 14
In Matthew 9:18, what did the ruler ask Jesus to do for his daughter?
- A. Heal her from her sickness
- B. Raise her from the dead
- C. Bless her so she may live
- D. Visit her at their home
- E. Speak a word of healing over her
Question No. 15
According to Matthew 9:20, what did the woman with an issue of blood for twelve years do to be healed?
- A. She asked Jesus to lay His hands on her.
- B. She touched the hem of His garment.
- C. She prayed for healing in the crowd.
- D. She cried out to Jesus as He passed by.
- E. She fell at Jesus’ feet, pleading for mercy.
Question No. 16
In Matthew 9:22, what did Jesus say to the woman with the issue of blood after she was healed?
- A. “Thy faith hath made thee whole.”
- B. “Thy sins be forgiven thee.”
- C. “Go in peace, and be whole.”
- D. “Be of good cheer, for thy faith hath saved thee.”
- E. None of the above.
Question No. 17
What did Jesus say to the mourners when He arrived at the ruler’s house in Matthew 9:24?
- A. “The maid is not dead, but sleepeth.”
- B. “Weep not, for she is only asleep.”
- C. “Thy faith shall raise her from the dead.”
- D. “Fear not, for she will live again.”
- E. “Do not doubt, only believe.”
Question No. 18
What miracle did Jesus perform in Matthew 9:25 after putting the people out?
- A. He commanded her to rise, and she did.
- B. He spoke to the girl and she arose.
- C. He laid His hands on her and she stood up.
- D. He prayed over her and she came to life.
- E. None of the above.
Question No. 19
According to Matthew 9:29, what did Jesus say to the two blind men after touching their eyes?
- A. “Be healed, and see the light.”
- B. “Thy faith hath opened thine eyes.”
- C. “Receive your sight.”
- D. “Your faith hath made you see.”
- E. None of the above.
Question No. 20
In Matthew 9:33, how did the multitudes react after Jesus cast out a demon from the dumb man?
- A. They marveled, saying, “It was never so seen in Israel.”
- B. They worshipped Jesus, saying, “Thou art the Son of God.”
- C. They feared, saying, “This is a great prophet.”
- D. They believed on Jesus as the Messiah.
- E. None of the above.
Matthew 9 Quiz Answers
Below are the answers with brief explanations and references to the specific verses from Matthew Chapter 9 (KJV).
Answers and Explanations
Question No. 1
Answer: B. “Thy sins be forgiven thee.”
Explanation: Jesus first told the man sick of the palsy that his sins were forgiven. (Matthew 9:2)
Question No. 2
Answer: A. The scribes
Explanation: It was the scribes who accused Jesus of blasphemy after He forgave the man’s sins. (Matthew 9:3)
Question No. 3
Answer: B. He said, “Wherefore think ye evil in your hearts?”
Explanation: Jesus, knowing their thoughts, asked why they were thinking evil in their hearts. (Matthew 9:4)
Question No. 4
Answer: A. “Take up thy bed, and go unto thine house.”
Explanation: After addressing the scribes, Jesus commanded the man sick of the palsy to take up his bed and go to his house. (Matthew 9:6)
Question No. 5
Answer: B. They feared and glorified God, who had given such power unto men.
Explanation: The multitude feared and glorified God after witnessing the healing, recognizing that God had given such power to men. (Matthew 9:8)
Question No. 6
Answer: A. Matthew, the tax collector
Explanation: Jesus called Matthew, a tax collector, to follow Him. (Matthew 9:9)
Question No. 7
Answer: B. In a house with publicans and sinners
Explanation: Jesus sat down to eat in a house with publicans and sinners. (Matthew 9:10)
Question No. 8
Answer: E. None of the above
Explanation: The Pharisees questioned the disciples about why Jesus was eating with publicans and sinners. (Matthew 9:11)
Question No. 9
Answer: E. None of the above
Explanation: Jesus explained that those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. (Matthew 9:12)
Question No. 10
Answer: A. “I will have mercy, and not sacrifice.”
Explanation: Jesus quoted Hosea 6:6, telling the Pharisees to learn the meaning of “I will have mercy, and not sacrifice.” (Matthew 9:13)
Question No. 11
Answer: A. Fast often
Explanation: The disciples of John asked why Jesus’ disciples did not fast often, unlike John’s disciples and the Pharisees. (Matthew 9:14)
Question No. 12
Answer: A. “The children of the bridechamber cannot mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them.”
Explanation: Jesus responded with the analogy of the bridegroom, explaining why His disciples did not fast while He was with them. (Matthew 9:15)
Question No. 13
Answer: B. New wine into old bottles
Explanation: Jesus used the analogy of new wine not being put into old bottles to explain why fasting would come later. (Matthew 9:17)
Question No. 14
Answer: B. Raise her from the dead
Explanation: The ruler asked Jesus to come and raise his daughter, who had just died. (Matthew 9:18)
Question No. 15
Answer: B. She touched the hem of His garment.
Explanation: The woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment to be healed. (Matthew 9:20)
Question No. 16
Answer: A. “Thy faith hath made thee whole.”
Explanation: After healing her, Jesus told the woman that her faith had made her whole. (Matthew 9:22)
Question No. 17
Answer: A. “The maid is not dead, but sleepeth.”
Explanation: Jesus told the mourners that the maid was not dead but asleep. (Matthew 9:24)
Question No. 18
Answer: E. None of the above.
Explanation: Jesus took the girl by the hand, and she arose. (Matthew 9:25)
Question No. 19
Answer: A. “According to your faith be it unto you.”
Explanation: Jesus healed the two blind men according to their faith. (Matthew 9:29)
Question No. 20
Answer: A. They marveled, saying, “It was never so seen in Israel.”
Explanation: The people marveled after Jesus cast out the demon from the dumb man, saying that such a thing had never been seen in Israel. (Matthew 9:33)